
The Seychelles Heritage Foundation was set up following the enactment of the Seychelles Heritage Foundation Act on 21st December 2006. It is a body corporate and its main objectives are as follows:

  1. (a)  To identify, conserve and promote the Cultural Heritage of Seychelles.

  2. (b)  To encourage broader public participation in activities designed to promote the Cultural

    Heritage of Seychelles.

  3. (c)  To generate the resources necessary for achievement of heritage projects and programmes.

  4. (d)  To manage certain heritage sites having regard to their value to Cultural Tourism.

  5. (e)  To endeavour to win international support for activities designed to promote the heritage of


  6. (f)  To promote research into and education on various aspects of the National Heritage.

  7. (g)  To advise the government on matters relating to the Cultural Heritage of Seychelles.

The Foundation is governed by a nine (9) member board nominated for a period of three (3) years by the President of the Republic.

Published under the first schedule of the Seychelles Heritage Act, the under-listed properties were placed under the management portfolio of the Seychelles Heritage Foundation:

  1. (I)  Ex-Plantation House, La Plaine, Au Cap

  2. (II)  Creole Village, Val des Près, Au Cap

  3. (III)  Mission Ruins, Mission, Sans Souci

  4. (IV)  Bel Ombre Treasure Site


Conserving, administering and putting to the best use the Cultural Heritage assets of Seychelles.

Mission statement

The SHF seeks to show leadership in the regeneration of the cultural heritage assets of Seychelles through partnerships with individuals and organizations in preserving and promoting the cultural heritage resources of Seychelles in a sustainable manner.

Importance of heritage

Heritage is the full range of our inherited traditions, monuments, objects and culture .Heritage is expressed through places – buildings, landscapes, public parks and gardens, infrastructure, monuments, public art and more. Heritage is also represented in objects, artefacts, archives, photographs, maps, drawings and other items. Some of these items are in public collections; others are privately held. Heritage includes our traditions, events and celebrations, people’s memories, artists’ expressions, monuments and memorials. Heritage is dynamic - what is valued constantly changes as society, culture and memories change.

Other aspects of heritage are reflected in culture, traditions, events, stories and memories. This strategy is interested in how these can be shared in order to build public understanding and appreciation of our heritage. The places, objects and stories give our lives meaning and purpose, as individuals and as communities. They create a strong and enduring sense of community identity.

Strategic framework

It is important that the appropriate organizational structure is in place for the SHF to be successful in implementing its Strategic Plan 2018-2022. The organizational structure is the Strategic Framework which will provide the implementation and accounting stages for the objectives laid out in this Strategic Plan.

Board of Directors

The board's primary responsibility is have oversight of the entity, while ensuring that Seychelles Heritage Foundation, remains viable and effective in the present and for the future. The board is also involve in formulating vital strategies and policies, evaluation of performance, advising, guiding and directing the Chief Executive Officer in strategic management, formulation and implementation.

Administration, Human Resources and Finance

  • Manage the Human Resources and other support services

  • Ensure that other unit of the Seychelles Heritage Foundation receives adequate and prompt support required to run their units.

  • Ensure discipline is maintained in the organization.

  • Deal with personnel issues and other relevant matters.

  • Provide training opportunities for all staff.

  • Manage the transport facilities.

  • Manage all financial matters pertaining to the Seychelles Heritage Foundation.

  • Ensure that financial procedures are in place and practiced throughout the SHF as part of our normal practice.

  • Ensure that all units accept responsibility and act prudently with allocated resources.

  • Manage the operating costs.

  • Coordinate and monitor expenditures.

  • Institute appropriate control in an effort to reduce costs and increase income.

Research and Project Management

  • Develop and design projects for the Seychelles Heritage Foundation

  • Meet and discuss projects with potential stakeholders

  • Promote the projects of the SHF in view of raising funds

  • Formulate development projects of creative and innovative nature.

  • Research on historical sites with historical value and marketable potentials

Heritage Education and Communication

  • Ensure that programmes of animation are designed and are in operation at all SHF sites.

  • Ensure that there are various activities that are organized to showcase Seychelles' cultural heritage.

  • Create awareness in the general public and visitors on the principal aspects of Seychelles' cultural heritage.

  • Involve young people in programmes designed to promote and develop Seychelles' cultural heritage.

Marketing and International Cooperation

  • Ensure the promotion and marketing of the heritage sites

  • Develop and implement effective marketing initiatives and tools

  • Liaise with other international relevant entities to foster better collaborations.